The best concert: El abrazo

In my life i went to so many good concerts that i can't decide which one was the best, but the most significant i can remember was El Abrazo. This event happened in the year 2010 and was placed in the O'higgins Park. The motivation of the event was to conmemorate the Abrazo de Maipú, because Chile was in the context of celebrate his bicentenary, so argentinian and chilean bands were invited to this show. Renowned artist like Charly García, Los Tres, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Joe Vasconcellos, and others play there.

I went to this concert with one friend and his cousin. We bought the tickets very early because the event was so big that we didn't want to miss it. I remember that i came too soon to the park that i was at the first places of an extense row expecting enter to the concert.

The show was very big, having the presence of nineteen artists. Each of they had fourty minutes to present, so every group shown their best and famous songs.There were three specials moments that i won't forget. The first one was the presence of El Flaco Spinetta, because two years later he died so was very significant saw the show of one of the greatest composer of Latin America. The second one was a video showing Gustavo Cerati sending a message of hope to the people of Chile that suffered the earthquake that same year. He went in a coma in may of the year 2010, but if he were good at this time, we could have seen him play in El Abrazo. The third one was when Charly García was playing Cancion para mi muerte and started to rain, this was very unusual because we were in spring, so everyone in the crowd went crazy.


  1. Wow, the best music of Argentina and Chile, it´s sound like a dream, and the name, "The Hug" aww sweety :3

  2. I love Joe Vasconcellos, I would have liked to go. My favorite song of him is la funa.


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