My favorite Movie/ TV serie: True Detective

If i have to choose between a favorite movie or TV series, i strongly prefer the last one, because a TV series, sometimes, can deeply develop more characters of a history, not only a few, and give us a better context to understand the actions of them. But in the case of my favorite TV show, the less character the best it’s the plot and the rhyme of the series.

My favorite series it’s True Detective. This show it’s about detectives with a dense sense of justice and moral, being the most interesting the contrast shown between the main characters. The show has three seasons with no correlation among them, but the first one it’s the best.

The first season tells the history of two detectives, Rust Cohle, a nihilist detective that act with no fear (Matthew McConaughey) and Marty Hart (Woody Harrerlson), a hedonist police that only cares for himself. These two are looking for the criminal of a homicide of a prostitute, but the series try to explain that the crime it’s something ideal and it’s going to repeat like the cycle of life.

I like this kind of movies or tv series because they explore the nature of the human being and the possibilities and causes of his/her actions. The last series that i have seen and has this kind of topic was Mindhunter.

Resultado de imagen para true detective


  1. I really like your arguments about why series are better than movies. Well done, lad.
    ☆ ~('▽^人)


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