My favorite book: The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

I want to start telling that my favorite author it's Albert Camus, because i love all his creation. My first encounter with this guy was in the high school, when we was seeing the existentialist authors like Sartre or Kafka. At that time, we read The Stranger but i didn't realize the magniture of his art, because in the school the most of time we read by force so i only did a simple lecture.

When i was like nineteen, a friend of mine recommend me "The Myth of Sisyphus", because i was really down and he told me that this book would help me. And did it. The book it's an essay about the life itself. The book start with Camus asking if the life it's worth living, telling that this it's the most important question in the philosophy. Using the metaphor of Sisyphus, a guy in the Ancient Greek that was very alive, hedonist that when he died, he lied to the Gods to be in the world of the living was more, telling them that he wants a day to see his family, but he didn't return to the Hades, so the Gods punish him to move a rock to the top of a mountain a then throwing it to the ground, doing this to the eternity. Camus say that we have to imagine Sisyphus happy, because everytime he climb with the rock, he do it with a different view. So we have to do this with our life, because the life it's absurd by itself, doesn't have a real meaning. We have to dothe most posible things and live all the life we can, because in some moments we are on the top and then in the ground but we have to carry our rock.

I recommend this book to all the people, because explain a interesting point of the life that we can use in different moments of our life.

Resultado de imagen para sisifo


  1. i like Alberth camus his is the inspiration for Aquarius Camus frome Saint Seiya. The mangaka read a lot of thing about and frome alberth camus to make Aquarius camus

  2. Wow! I like existentialist authors too, in fact when I read the stranger in the college was so amazing. So maybe I need to search more about Albert Camus.


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