My Bucket List

I've never really think about in making a bucket list, because i'm very volatile. I think that in the past years there were some things that i wanted to do and then i develop. Stuff like entry the university and coming to live in Santiago were very important for me in the past but now it doesn't mean too much for me. But in the last years i realized that i have some things that i want to achieve in the near future. The first one, it's to finish my university education so i can find a decent job with a decent salary to afford the others things in the list that i want to do, because unfortunately they require some money. The second one it's to make a record with my music band, this has to be in a professional studio with a good production, so we can make sure this going to sound excellent. Having this record, comes the third and the most difficult item in my list: play with musicians that i admire. One of my biggest dream it's play with Juanafe, a band from Santiago that play latinfusion music, a that's not only my dream, the rest of the band want it to. I think if we do a good job with our music, we can make that dream possible.


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